Firing Fees

Mouse Ceramic Studio is currently offering firing services to Students and members only. We charge $0.04 per cubic inch to fire in a community firing. IF the work does not change in dimension between the first and second firing, you dont have to pay for the glaze, if the work changes in dimension then each time the work is fired, it must be paid for at the rate of $0.04 per cubic inch, bisque and glaze.

To get the dimensions, measure your piece with an inch ruler or measuring tape, you will need the length, the width, and the height, the length is the longest dimension of your piece (usually) from side to side, the width is usually front to back, and the height is the measurement from top to bottom or how tall it is. Each measurement needs to multiplied by the next so length x width x height. This will give you the cubic inches of the piece; take that amount and multiply by 0.04 to get your dollar amount. For example, a cup with handle that is 6x4x4 is 96 cubic inches; 96 x 0.04 = 3.84 so the total for this mug would be $3.84. If the mug was being stilted then it needs to be re-measured and paid for again.

Please note there is a 2” minimum for any measurement and a $1 minimum per piece. This means that if you have a piece that measures less than one inch in any dimension, you must use 2 as the size, and any work that costs less than $1 needs to be rounded up to a dollar. Multiple pieces being fired can be combined into one payment but still must be a minimum of $1 per piece.

If using a firing tray, the tray can be measured but if the works are moved off the tray during the glaze firing then you will have to pay again for the glaze firing.